Expert Review Meeting for Technical Proposal of GIZ Plus-Energy Building (Plusenergie-Gebäude)
On August 5th, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Jiangsu project commissioned energydesign (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to organize an online conference to provide expert review for a technical proposal of plus-energy building.
Eurocampus – German School Yangpu project granted the Certificate of Energy Efficiency Awards 2020 – East China by German Government (BMWi)
On September 16th, German Chamber of Commerce hosted its event of Energy Efficiency Awards 2020 – East China in their Shanghai office. Finally our project Eurocampus –German School Shanghai Yangpu acquired the award as one of five winners. Dr. Yanping Zhou, Managing Director of enenrgydesign, and Mr. Sven Heineken, German School Representative, received the certificate from the Head of Department of Market Entry & Business Development, Mr. Marcus Wassmuth. This is the second time for us to win this award.
The Tianjin Eco-city Passivhaus project awarded as the first built Passive high-rise residential blocks in the world
On 15th October 2019, the Passive House Institute (PHI) officially awarded the certificate to Hexinyuan No. 4 and No. 5 Building in Sino-singapore Eco-city as the first built residential high-rise Passive House in the world in the closing plenary of the 2019 International Passive House Conference in Gaobeidian, China.
Sino-German experts conducted the energy diagnosis for Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3
In order to implement the Sino-German cooperation programme of energy-saving diagnosis for the key energy consumption enterprises, the energy experts from National Energy Conservation Center (NECC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (DENA) conducted an on-site energy diagnosis for Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 on March 28th-29th. energydesign and its sister company EGS-plan participated in the project as the external expert invited by DENA.
Smart City China Report Publication By OAV
China's urban population is rapidly growing: 59% of its population is living in cities already. By 2050 this number is expected to increase to 80 percent. The Chinese government is pushing the development of smart cities counting around 500 pilots already. New and sustainable mobility solutions, distributed energy generation, automated waste management, personalized healthcare, digital integration – these innovations are key for the development of China’s urban future and offer business opportunities for German high-tech companies.
Sino-German Ecopark achieves the first DGNB Urban District Certification in China
On 16th November 2018, the German Council for Sustainable Buildings (DGNB) officially issued the first DGNB Urban District Certificate in GOLD to the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao.
energydesign Shanghai becomes the first company officially offering HQE™ certification in China
We’re pleased to learn that Mr. Joseph van der Elst, Deputy Managing Director of energydesign (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, becomes the HQE™ Certification Référent recognised by Cerway (HQE™ CR) from France , and energydesign (Shanghai) has become the very first and the only one company to handle HQE™ Certification at this moment in China. The HQE certification is a comprehensive, multi-criteria approach that is recently developing in China.
energydesign at Fenestration BAU China 2017
From 7 Nov to 10 Nov, the Fenestration BAU China 2017 was held in SNIEC. With a larger scale, this event features hundreds of Fenestration producers exhibiting their products or solutions in eight exhibition halls. Speeches, talks, and meetings were organized as well among visiting professionals in this field.
GENIUS – German Engineering Integrated for Urban Sustainability
GENIUS – 城市可持续发展的整合设计
The GENIUS Project has kicked off in China, hosted by ILEK Stuttgart, CCSBC, Constellations, and energydesign. A workshop was held on 26th and 27th September at the Hamburg House at Shanghai’s Expo Site, where around 50 participants discussed about sustainable planning and design for schools in China. Architects, engineers and designers, as well as teachers, principals and scientists found together in small groups to explore innovative planning games to build better and more sustainable school environments for its users and the surrounding cities.
German Centre Taicang Achieves DGNB & LEED GOLD
German Centre Taicang has been awarded DGNB and LEED GOLD Certification for interior fit-out buildings and has now officially received both certificates. The project was accompanied by energydesign (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (CCSBC Partner) as DGNB and LEED consultants together. The interior fit-out concept was drafted by in50 Design, while an advanced energy concept was developed and implemented by energydesign.
Sino-German Forum for Sustainable Planning & Construction in 2017
On 25th July, the first Sino-German Forum for Sustainable Planning & Construction was held in Beijing in context of the Sino-German Urbanization Partnership. Organized by CCTC, DGNB and supported by GIZ and NAX, experts from Germany and China discussed the current conditions and best-practice solutions for sustainable project development in China.
Energy Retrofit of Renmin Bank Zhenjiang Branch & EnergyPLUS Seminar for GIZ
On June 20th 2017, enegydesign was invited by the China Renmin Bank Jiangsu Province Headquarter in Nanjing and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) to discuss about energy retrofitting of existing buildings. 13 Branches of Renmin Bank in this province attend the seminar remotely through video stream.
Vallourec Changzhou Factory Won the Group Environment Award 2016
We’re pleased to learn that our client Vallourec Changzhou received the Vallourec Group 2016 Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Award. We congratulate them for this success in energy conservation and for the efforts they continuously made to minimize their impact on the environment.
energydesign Experts Elected as International Memberships of GEBC and Attendances of Events in German Embassy
On 20th March, energydesign participated in the “Netzwerktreffen – Netzwerk fuer Energieffizienz” event, organized by the German Energy Agency “dena” at the German Embassy in Beijing.
With the participation of several high-level institutions, such as the German Consulate, the German Chamber of Commerce, GIZ, DGNB, the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development...
German Enterprise Centre awarded the DGNB Platinum Certificate
After nearly five years of continuous efforts, energydesign announces proudly that the German Enterprise Centre has been awarded the DGNB Platinum Certificate in October 2016. It becomes the second successful DGNB Platinum certified project in this country after Landsea Bruck as the first Platinum certified in 2015, both of which are lead and audited by energydesign auditor Joseph Van Der Elst and his team.
DGNB International Consultant Training for Urban Districts held in Beijing
From 2nd Dec. to 4th Dec. 2016, Joseph van der Elst and Sebastian Schulz from energydesign (Shanghai) attended the first DGNB International Consultant Training for Urban Districts at Tsinghua University, Beijing. The training participants will be the first DGNB consultants of this kind in China. The event was organized by the German DGNB Academy in cooperation with Tsinghua University and covered the relevant topics of the DGNB certification scheme for urban, business and entertainment districts.
AHK Workshop on Construction & Building Operation organized by energydesign (Shanghai)
On 31st Oct. 2016, energydesign (Shanghai) in cooperation with the German Chamber of Commerce in China and the German Centre (Taicang) guided an excursion on the topic “Construction & Building Operation: Owner’s self-estimation on construction cost”, moderated by Joseph van der Elst. The participants visited the brand new German Centre in Taicang, a DGNB and LEED project consulted by energydesign, to discuss the challenges and solutions owners and investors can face in the development and construction of sustainable buildings.
Notable speeches by Joseph van der Elst and Sebastian Schulz at the 9th Jiangsu International Conference on Green Buildings
Joseph Van Der Elst 与Sebastian Schulz在第九届江苏省国际绿色建筑大会上发表演讲
As part of the Sino-German District Energy Forum, organized by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) at the 9th Jiangsu International Green Building Conference held in Nanjing on 3rd Nov. 2016, Joseph van der Elst and Sebastian Schulz discussed their experiences of retrofit projects for buildings and urban districts.
Groundbreaking ceremony of Euro-campus in Yangpu, Shanghai
The Groundbreaking ceremony of this second Euro campus took place on Saturday the 3rd of December in 2016 in Yangpu District, Shanghai. This Campus is planned to open in September 2018. The German, French, and Chinese authorities, Presidents of the LFS’s Management Committee and the German School Shanghai’s board, Headmasters of LFS and German School and representatives of parents and staff.
The team of Technische Universitat Braunschweig, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Norbert Fisch, is collaboratively working with Southeast University to develop the advanced “C-House with the technique-core”, competing to be the best team that blends design excellence and smart energy production with innovation, market potential, and energy and water efficiency.
Keynote Speech on Energy Plus Building by Prof. M.N.Fisch , on Oct.20,2015, CCHVAC2015 Conference, Dalian
M.Norbert Fisch教授在大连CCHVAC2015会议作了关于产能建筑的主题演讲
Cold Climate HVAC conference 2015, a leading and promising international scientific conference on key technologies to achieve eco efficient buildings and district with a good environmental quality and a minimum use of resources and energy. This is the first time for Cold Climate HVAC coming to China, Dalian with a previous hosting history from 1994 in Finland, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Russia, Greenland and Canada.
DGNB Consultant Trainings held in April 2016, in Beijing. Joseph van der Elst continues to be the offical trainer
DGNB咨询师培训于2016年4月在北京举行, 培训师继续由设能Joseph van der Elst出任
This Consultant Training was held in Beijing and lasted 3 days. DGNB specialists Dominic Church and Joseph van der elst act as trainers during this meeting. The training included the introduction of DGNB system and experience sharing of the actual certified projects.
本次学习于北京国家住建部中国城科会办公楼内举办,为期三天,由DGNB体系专家Dominic Church与DGNB审计师Joseph van der elst两位老师共同主讲。内容涉及DGNB系统讲解及实际认证项目的经验分享。
Sino-German Ecopark Qingdao, GECC: Long-term and viable growth opportunities in Greater Qingdao
青岛长期可持续发展会议 - 企业在中德生态园的发展与前景
Das Jahr 2016 wird in Qingdao, im Besonderen im Sino-German Ecopark, eine Zeit großer
Entwicklungsschritte sein. Es ist für uns ein wichtiges Anliegen, unsere Partner frühzeitig zu informieren...
DGNB Consultant Trainings held in October 2015, in Beijing and in November 2015, in Guangzhou
The events have took place in Beijing and Guangzhou respectively in October and November 2015. Joseph van der Elst, the duputy managing director of our company has been invited as a specialist to give the training.
DGNB官方咨询师培训于2015年10月和11月分别在北京和广州举行。设能公司副总经理Joseph van der Elst作为DGNB专家受邀为学员进行培训。
Qingdao German Enterprise Centre Project awarded as Pilot Project by German Federal Economics and Energy Ministry due to German energy efficency innovation solutions, on Oct.30, 2015.
“Sino-German energy dialogue energy conservation and energy efficiency working group conference” was held in Beijing in November 4th 2015. Dr. Dirk Schwede from energydesign was invited as ...
Plant Visit - Hazardous Waste Managment at SCIP SITA Waste Services
车间考察 - 太古升达废料处理公司的危险废物管理技术
We are at the dawn of the resource revolution. In a world facing high demographic growth, runaway urbanisation and the shortage of natural resources, securing, optimizing, renewing resources and air emission control ...
Award Ceremony Of Landsea DGNB Certification — The First DGNB Gold Certificate In China (upgraded to Platinum)
朗诗DGNB认证颁奖仪式 — 中国首个DGNB金级认证项目 (已升为白金级)
energydesign is delighted to announce that the first DGNB certification was granted to Landsea group at BAU Congress Beijing on June 23rd, 2015. Indeed, the Bruck project on Changxing R&D base achieved DGNB Gold qualities for New Residential Building scheme.
Chinese edition of the book, “EnergyPlus” – Buildings and Districts as Renewable Energy Sources, has been published by Tsinghua Press
M.N. Fisch教授著作《产能-建筑和街区作为可再生能量来源》中文版由清华大学出版社出版发行
Chinese edition of Prof. Norbert Fisch’s new book “EnergyPlus - Buildings and districts as renewable energy sources” was published by Tsinghua University press recently. English and German edition have been issued globally already in past years.
DGNB China community established with two energydesign directors,Dr.Schwede and Dr.Zhou, as steering member
DGNB China community is established in Beijing on June 23 2015. This community‘s mission is to promote the design, construction and operation of sustainable buildings and urban districts in China according to the DGNB System.
CCSBC – Competence Centre for Sustainable Building in China
中德合作项目CCSBC – 中国可持续建筑能力中心
CCSBC is one of the projects under Programme, which was set up by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).The project has the objective to establish a “Competence Centre for Sustainable Building in China ...
German Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Sigmar Gabriel inaugurate the VOITH Training Centre in Kunshan, China.
Sigmar Gabriel has inaugurated the VOITH Training Centre in Kunshan, China.
energydesign has served as consultant and designer for energy system optimization and LEED certification consulting in this project.
German Minister for foreign affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the DENA Sino-German passivhaus pilot project
Frank Walter Steinmeier has visited the DENA Sino-German Passivhaus Pilotproject Research Centre of Hebei Academy of Building Research.
energydesign has served as consultant and designer for energy system optimization, passivhaus consulting and HVAC design services.
AHK - Workshop on Construction and Operation, April 2014
Christian Bosselmann of energydesign hosted the AHK workshop on "Construction Procedures in China – Planning, Approval Process & Implementation" as leader of AHK working group on Construction and Operation.
LEED Gold has been awarded to the VOITH Fabrics Factory Extension, April 2014
energydesign has served as consultant and designer for energy system optimization and LEED certification in this project.
Dr. Dirk Schwede has been appointed Member of the Commission for Sustainable Building at the Federal Environment Agency, February 2014
Sales Opening Ceremony of "The Green Place" Project in Tainan, April 2014
energydesign is engaged in this green residential development project as the international consultant for energy design and bio-cliamtic design.
conference on HCMC MegaCities of Tomorrow, May 2013
The research project on sustainable urban development in HCMC has concluded with an international conference în Hamburg. Dr. Dirk Schwede delivered a talk on energy-efficient housing in tropical climate.
Robert-Bosch Juniorprofessor "Sustainable Building", Jan 2013
Managing Director of OSBEE GmbH Dr. Dirk Schwede has been appointed a Junior-Professor for "Sustainable Building" endowed by the Robert-Bosch Foundation. The position is at ILEK, University of Stuttgart.
First DGNB project in China
BAU Messe Munich, Dec 2012
ZhangJiang Science and Culture Exchange has been awarded with the first DGNB pre-certificate in gold in China. The project has been audited by energydesign (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Dr. Dirk Schwede presented this ceremony.
low carbon 低碳 · high comfort 舒适 · optimal cost 经济 · certified quality 认证