We would be pleased to support you in your future projects to achieve more energy-efficient, comfortable and overall sustainable design solutions!
We will help to set the project on the right track towards a sustainable project delivery. The clients wishes are clarified and checked against feasibility in the market. Pre-conceptions about sustainable solutions will be addressed and targets will be re-adjusted as basis for appropriate and relevant considerations in the following stages.
In the concept phase various design options will be addressed and investigated. Some options are developed further; others will be disqualified for the case at hand. Decision making will be supported through cost-benefit analysis, environmental and functional assessment. Computational models will support the investigation. Concepts will be developed towards the sustainability targets set (for example a selected certification scheme).
In the design phase concepts will be turned into workable solutions and translated into a form commonly used in the project team. Thereby advanced and uncommon solutions will be communicated so that their application is secured. energydesign will therein work as a facilitator and integrated partner of design teams to ensure that first ideas of sustainable design are carried through properly until project completion.
Through tender and procurement the ideas developed in the concept and design phase are turned into reality. Clear communication and specification of qualities is needed at this stage in order to secure the desired properties and later performance of the project. energydesign offers to support project managers, architects, planners and decision-makers in tender and procurement of sustainable solutions and products.
There is no use of good concepts and designs, if execution on the construction site is not able to deliver sustainable qualities. Schedule- or budget constraints sometimes compromise quality during construction and in the delivery of a project. energydesign offers relevant and appropriate services for construction design review, site supervision and commissioning.
Sometimes buildings do not perform as intended or requirements and use patterns during operation change. Energy audits and following adjustments or upgrades can save operation cost, often with minimal or even no additional investments. energydesign offers services to identify problems and to re-adjust performances of buildings to current needs. We have developed a built-up a tool kit for environmental measurement and energy monitoring in China to support our clients in performance checks of their buildings.
In today’s competitive building sector, sustainable concepts and energy-efficient measures do not only support actual cost-savings and performance improvements, but can be rewarded by several certification labels. energydesign has years of experience in green building and sustainable building certification in China. We believe in certifications as a tool for guiding sustainable projects through their individual life-cycles to achieve highest qualities and maximized market acceptation, while contributing to overall living quality and healthier environments indoor and outdoor.